Friday, May 29, 2009

The proper way to handle Jerks!

Whatever you end up doing online, there is no getting away from Jerks. Jerks are everywhere. Usually they think they are better than you are. Their ego drives them to confront people with malicious words and actions...

Most of the time I am pretty good at ignoring them, but once in a while one will get under my skin. Sometimes they say things that are a direct blow at YOU and it becomes personal.....

BUT WAIT! I am guilty of lashing back. I'm not saying I haven't. I need to keep myself in check...

Normally the best course of action is to walk away. Choose your battles wisely.

A jerk can really take you by surprise and make your blood boil. It can make you want to find his physical address and confront him or her...

I think the best thing to do is just take a walk. A break.

If it's in a thread, don't look at that thread again. Sometimes you have to defend your territory or something you believe in, but don't get personal back... Just lay out the facts.

AS LONG as you are in business, you will have to deal with Jerks...

I used to think that people were generally good to each other. I grew up in a small town, in a middle class neighborhood, where everyone helped each other and were mostly friendly. No one stepped on each others toes. No one took advantage of each other...

Then I went in to business years ago and had a rude awakening... There are people that will seek you out and rob you blind...

Guard what you have. Take every precaution you can to protect your territory.

That Jerk you run into; keep an eye on him or her... Make a mental note. That might be the person that steals from you... They might be just having a bad day, but take note.

The world is full of Jerks and a lot of them have discovered the internet...


Building that type of reputation is not healthy. It will turn people against you that could have helped you. It will keep you from reaching your potential...

Build relationships. Help others. And don't be a Jerk...

Friday, May 8, 2009

Bending in with the internet community

It's amazing really. The longer you hang out online the more you realize how small the internet community is. Sure there are millions of people online, but there are tight communities people hang in...

I run into people I know in different forums all the time. I had someone e-mail me today in a private forum that I've bumped into on numerous occassions at Out of the blue.

It's not the first time. It happens all the time.

That's a good thing. That's part of doing business online. Building relationships... but you also build personal relationships with some. You share personal experiences. You help each other through good and bad times.

It's amazing.

If you haven't already done so, find a good forum to hang around. There are some bad ones, but if you look, you'll find the good ones.

Just start hanging around. You'll start to get to know the people. Then you can start participating... or just jump in.

There are forums for everything. Whatever you're involved in. If you got a career, theres a forum for it. If you have a hobby, there's a forum for it.

I hang around mostly internet marketing, tech, and other business related forums.

I don't know where I would be today if I hadn't discovered their power.

Beyond relationships you can learn endless things. Not just anything. Things drawing from experience. It's better than a textbook. It's interactive. If you ask there is usually someone waiting with an answer. You can search databases of threads that could contain untold information...

Expereince the Power of Forums... Explore and Grow!

The benefits of writing articles

Writing articles have many benefits. There are a number of things you can do with them.

I mostly write them for my websites. But you can also submit them to various article sites. For instance:

And there are others. Just do a search in Google for "article submit".

This can do a few things for you:
1. Bring a little traffic from the Article Websites
2. It could help boost your PageRank with Google. This is done by providing a link back to your website in your signature.
3. It can also establish your expertise in a certain area. The more people see your articles the better. It can contribute to your reputation online.
4. And if you use them on your website as well, it provides great content for your website which also pleases the Search Engines.
There are probably more benefits. But as you can see it's a great idea to do it.
This was recommended to me by someone that's been doing this for a long time. It is an eBook that will show you how to really profit from Articles. Check it Out Here:
Turn Words Into Traffic
I hope this post helped you and inspires!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Stay focus in your business!

This is something I saw being discussed today by some Internet Marketers.

It's regarding the moment you realize that you know enough.

A lot of people get into a trap or "loop" of buying eBook after ebook and course after course looking for the magic formula to success.

I honestly believe some of it stems from laziness. We think this online stuff should be easy... So we search in vain for the easy formula.

Until that day we realize the formula is never easy and that we already know how to be a success online.

I've seen people who have spent 1000s of dollars looking for the magic formula. But they never find it. Why? Because there isn't one. Or when one emerges it doesn't last long; the market becomes saturated with people running after the opportunity and overnight the opportunity loses it's power.

That why I think it is so important to hang out in forums, read all the free stuff out there and then choose a path that is suited to YOU. After you've decided what path is best, then maybe buy a few eBooks related to that path... But commit to it and don't be distracted because you see everyone else running to the New Big Thing.

Everyone's going to be selling you something. All of them will convince you it's the next best thing, but they are just SELLING something.

I'm not saying don't buy anything. I am saying focus on a specific area and get to work. Don't get bogged down by purchasing every new thing that comes along... This will never stop. There will always be new products to google over...

You need to know when to stop. It's a bit of an addiction, but admitting you have a problem is the first step:)

So take a look at what you have. Take a look at yourself and make a decision to start acting. Start putting your money into your business instead of info products.

Start today!