Friday, September 25, 2009

Self Taught Detective!

Are you nervous!?

Don’t let that stop you…

I just launched a new info product at my website!

Find it Here: “Become Your Own Online Detective!

I worked non stop the last few days to put this thing together and launch it. I was literally up to 3 in the morning last night!!

I’ve been working on an eBook for a few months now in between my other projects… The problem is that it’s gotten big… I’ve written over 100 pages and counting!

So a good friend of mine online, Barrington Paige, reminded me of a great thing to do if you are writting a decent sized e-Book…

He reminded me of something Allen Says has taught in the past… Take the chapters as you write them and make them into little reports to sell. So while you are working on the eBook, you can make a little money!

That’s exactly what I did! I picked a juicy chapter packed with info, added to it, added graphics and more info AND packaged it as a Special Report!

And it makes total sense! You have all this great info sitting, doing nothing, on your desktop when it could be helping someone!

Well… I did hestitate. It was really hard to hit that submit button to reveal it to a group of people that I highly respect…

And I have to really look at this as a Learning experience. I know I’ve already learned a few lessons in the process. Actually it’s amazing what you learn if you JUST DO IT!

I’m still nervous. I launched it about 9 hours ago… got a few sales… so I must have done something right:)

It is packed with good info and if someone applies the principles I lay out inside, they should make back many times the investment by the money they will save…

It’s hard. You are really putting yourself out there doing something like this… espeically when you reveal it to a group of people that know a lot about info products… But I’ve learned one thing in life.

You learn by doing not doing nothing!

Check it out by the way. Just click the link above… It may help you as well!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Adsense tweaking anyone?

If you are an using Adsense on your websites, you may be a little uncertain what to do to get the best Click Through…

This article that was posted by the Admin of a forum I hang around. It highlights a lot of things you should think about when setting up Adsense on your sites. It’s actually written by Google.

Where is the best position to put Adsense to get the most clicks? What colors should you use? What format should you use?

These are just some of the questions this article answers…

Check it out here: Google Adsense Optimization Tips

One of the things it doesn’t get into, unless I missed it, is actually optimizing the page itself to draw the ads you want…

YES! People do this. You see Adsense is no joke. Many, many people build sites around Adsense and make a lot of money doing it…

Adsense works in reverse of Adwords. The more competitive a market the better… and the more money you will make per click… I will devote an entire post to this to go into this in more detail the near future.

Until then…

Let's Cash In On This!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Subconcious mind + Positive attitude

Your subconcious mind can feed on thoughts of defeat or thoughts of success.

It’s a bit of a chain reaction. What you decide to think about or dwell on will leave an impression on your mind that will effect everything you do day in and day out.

A Man is as Big as the Measure of His Thinking

It’s simple really. If you give up and get frustrated with something, that frustration will have a negative impact on the rest of your activities. On the other hand if you plow through something, work hard and find a solution, the impact of that victory will be seen throughout your activities…

Confidence stems from convincing yourself you can…

I often see people arguing online and getting all worked up because of some issue or whatever… And a lot of times you will see emotion come out of people that you know is impacting their attitude at least in the short term.

I’m not saying I’m always level… although my wife seems to think that I’m too level and mellow at times… but you can’t get too caught up emotionally or negatively in something that really isn’t necessary.

Sometimes we must battle; other times it’s not going to make an impact anyway… just walk away and do something else.

You are the master of your attitude and because of that, you can control your effectiveness, productivity, and results online or offline in your business or personal life.

The choice is really yours to think what you think. It may take some effort to train yourself to think a certain way, but it’s worth it. That effort will translate to your subconscious and make for a better YOU.

You can decide to control your subconscious or turn it over to itself and let it control you.

Think Positive… not negative.

A lot of people will joke when someone starts chating about positive attitudes and such… but I can guarantee you there is something to it. You will have much better relationships and results in your life if you are positive rather than negative…

A book worth picking up and reading about building a positive attitude is:

Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude by W. Stone

I at least suggest taking a peek. This approach to life has made my life better and happier…

Many years ago I was at a stage in my life walking down the road of negativity and let my subconscious mind control my actions… that is no longer the case and I’m now much more effective in all aspects of my life.

This doesn’t mean I don’t get brake through episodes of negativity… I’m still human… but I have trained my mind to be much more positive and as a result have improved my life drastically…

Take it and Act!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Be Aware Everyone

BE careful when submitting links or at least be aware.

Interesting thing I discovered today. One of the forums I’m involved in, Band of Gonzos, has a new member (for a few weeks) that has introduced herself twice now and I’m convinced she is just promoting her own forum and Hosting site…

Anyway… She also has a directory on her forums website. It’s actually integrated into the forum.

So she posts a few weeks ago about this directory and says, “Go on, it only takes a few moments to sign in and submit your sites!”

Well, one of the the first problems is you have to register in the forum in order to submit your site (unique and strange)…

BUT the bigger problem is this:

She posted again today and I thought I would go in and take a look at my listings in the directory. They weren’t there!… Did she decline them?

So I signed in and sure enough they are there! I have to be signed in to view them.

You know what that means? That means so do the Search Engines… Oh, that’s right! Search Engines don’t know my password! I guess they won’t see my links. ;)

So needless to say THAT was a waste of time.

The forum says there are over 200 members… well that’s not accurate. That’s just people signing up to submit their sites that no one will see!

The real truth is that this person is just selling her own services. She is basically spamming our forum in a unique way…

AND it’s very possible the reason my Hosting Website doesn’t show up in her directory is because SHE has a hosting site or some of her buddies do and they don’t want the competition… She displays one in her signature at the forum I’m at…

So that just goes to show you what people will do.

Wasted my time for sure… but gave me an opportunity to educate!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Autoresponder is a must!

Why is it important for you to set up an Autoresponder?

If you haven’t started using them for your business, you are missing out on a great tool to automate your business and even provide a professional result.

If you have a form on a page to gather some information, why not have it automatically provide that information back once or over a number of e-mails…
Send people download links…
Provide a newsletter…
An eCourse…
Or simply use it to follow up with your clients or customers.
The possiblities are great.

If you are still curious, just Google it up. I bet you'll be flooded with answers in just seconds.

I hope it helps!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Podcasting 101

I’ve been meaning for some time to post about Podcasting and I actually was going to make an article page devoted to it… still will, but do to lack of time it may be sometime yet.

At the same time I want to mention it because it is growing in popularity and it might be something for you to look into for you business…

Wikipedia’s Podcasting Explanation
Podcasting is a method of publishing files via the Internet, allowing users to subscribe to a feed and receive new files automatically. It became popular in late 2004, intended largely for downloading audio files onto a portable MP3 player. However, listening to podcasts does not require a portable player and it is not traditional “broadcasting” to a mass audience at a fixed time.

Many online marketers (and probably some offline) are looking at this is an opportunity… an opportunity to provide another service to their clients or create a whole new service to attract and audience.

You are simply recording a broadcast that you can give people an opportunity to subscribe to via RSS.

You can create Podcasts that can be listened to by anyone at their convenience. They can listen to it on their desktop or on their iPod… Powerful stuff.
I’ve been watching this to see if it would take off for about 6 months now. About a month ago I noticed Rush Limbaugh (the popular radio host) was setting one up on his site… I thought… that could be the spark the ignites. Then I saw CNN with one!

A lot of internet marketers are talking about it and it’s potential.

For more information:
Podcast Directory
Podcasting News
Apple iPod Info
Free PodCast Receiver
Wired News Article

Those should get you started in understanding what it’s all about… it looks like it might be here to stay.

Check it out!

Friday, May 29, 2009

The proper way to handle Jerks!

Whatever you end up doing online, there is no getting away from Jerks. Jerks are everywhere. Usually they think they are better than you are. Their ego drives them to confront people with malicious words and actions...

Most of the time I am pretty good at ignoring them, but once in a while one will get under my skin. Sometimes they say things that are a direct blow at YOU and it becomes personal.....

BUT WAIT! I am guilty of lashing back. I'm not saying I haven't. I need to keep myself in check...

Normally the best course of action is to walk away. Choose your battles wisely.

A jerk can really take you by surprise and make your blood boil. It can make you want to find his physical address and confront him or her...

I think the best thing to do is just take a walk. A break.

If it's in a thread, don't look at that thread again. Sometimes you have to defend your territory or something you believe in, but don't get personal back... Just lay out the facts.

AS LONG as you are in business, you will have to deal with Jerks...

I used to think that people were generally good to each other. I grew up in a small town, in a middle class neighborhood, where everyone helped each other and were mostly friendly. No one stepped on each others toes. No one took advantage of each other...

Then I went in to business years ago and had a rude awakening... There are people that will seek you out and rob you blind...

Guard what you have. Take every precaution you can to protect your territory.

That Jerk you run into; keep an eye on him or her... Make a mental note. That might be the person that steals from you... They might be just having a bad day, but take note.

The world is full of Jerks and a lot of them have discovered the internet...


Building that type of reputation is not healthy. It will turn people against you that could have helped you. It will keep you from reaching your potential...

Build relationships. Help others. And don't be a Jerk...

Friday, May 8, 2009

Bending in with the internet community

It's amazing really. The longer you hang out online the more you realize how small the internet community is. Sure there are millions of people online, but there are tight communities people hang in...

I run into people I know in different forums all the time. I had someone e-mail me today in a private forum that I've bumped into on numerous occassions at Out of the blue.

It's not the first time. It happens all the time.

That's a good thing. That's part of doing business online. Building relationships... but you also build personal relationships with some. You share personal experiences. You help each other through good and bad times.

It's amazing.

If you haven't already done so, find a good forum to hang around. There are some bad ones, but if you look, you'll find the good ones.

Just start hanging around. You'll start to get to know the people. Then you can start participating... or just jump in.

There are forums for everything. Whatever you're involved in. If you got a career, theres a forum for it. If you have a hobby, there's a forum for it.

I hang around mostly internet marketing, tech, and other business related forums.

I don't know where I would be today if I hadn't discovered their power.

Beyond relationships you can learn endless things. Not just anything. Things drawing from experience. It's better than a textbook. It's interactive. If you ask there is usually someone waiting with an answer. You can search databases of threads that could contain untold information...

Expereince the Power of Forums... Explore and Grow!

The benefits of writing articles

Writing articles have many benefits. There are a number of things you can do with them.

I mostly write them for my websites. But you can also submit them to various article sites. For instance:

And there are others. Just do a search in Google for "article submit".

This can do a few things for you:
1. Bring a little traffic from the Article Websites
2. It could help boost your PageRank with Google. This is done by providing a link back to your website in your signature.
3. It can also establish your expertise in a certain area. The more people see your articles the better. It can contribute to your reputation online.
4. And if you use them on your website as well, it provides great content for your website which also pleases the Search Engines.
There are probably more benefits. But as you can see it's a great idea to do it.
This was recommended to me by someone that's been doing this for a long time. It is an eBook that will show you how to really profit from Articles. Check it Out Here:
Turn Words Into Traffic
I hope this post helped you and inspires!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Stay focus in your business!

This is something I saw being discussed today by some Internet Marketers.

It's regarding the moment you realize that you know enough.

A lot of people get into a trap or "loop" of buying eBook after ebook and course after course looking for the magic formula to success.

I honestly believe some of it stems from laziness. We think this online stuff should be easy... So we search in vain for the easy formula.

Until that day we realize the formula is never easy and that we already know how to be a success online.

I've seen people who have spent 1000s of dollars looking for the magic formula. But they never find it. Why? Because there isn't one. Or when one emerges it doesn't last long; the market becomes saturated with people running after the opportunity and overnight the opportunity loses it's power.

That why I think it is so important to hang out in forums, read all the free stuff out there and then choose a path that is suited to YOU. After you've decided what path is best, then maybe buy a few eBooks related to that path... But commit to it and don't be distracted because you see everyone else running to the New Big Thing.

Everyone's going to be selling you something. All of them will convince you it's the next best thing, but they are just SELLING something.

I'm not saying don't buy anything. I am saying focus on a specific area and get to work. Don't get bogged down by purchasing every new thing that comes along... This will never stop. There will always be new products to google over...

You need to know when to stop. It's a bit of an addiction, but admitting you have a problem is the first step:)

So take a look at what you have. Take a look at yourself and make a decision to start acting. Start putting your money into your business instead of info products.

Start today!

Friday, April 24, 2009

What on earth is it?

What's a Press Release?

Well, to those of you who are still in the dark. Press Release's are An Outstanding
Tool To Market Your Products, Service's & Website.

Do you have a new product your launching?

Do you have a new service you are rolling out?

Is it a new website?

Whatever it is, let the public know!

Friday, April 17, 2009

With or without Google!

Now here's an interesting article. There are so many people obsessed with Opimizing their sites they forget one fundemental thing. That you have to have a site with quality content in order to get visitors to come back...

A lot of webmasters spend so much time searching for recipricol links or any links that their site actually could suffer.

The crazy thing is, if we spent more time providing quality content, that would actually in the end result in the making the Search Engines happy...

I'm wouldn't say that SEO is not important. In fact I practice it daily. But this article is a good reminder that there is more to what we do than optimizing... We can not get so caught up in some of the strategies that our website suffers...

You can have all the traffic on the internet, but if you don't have a good, solid content site, the traffic will mean little.