Friday, September 25, 2009

Self Taught Detective!

Are you nervous!?

Don’t let that stop you…

I just launched a new info product at my website!

Find it Here: “Become Your Own Online Detective!

I worked non stop the last few days to put this thing together and launch it. I was literally up to 3 in the morning last night!!

I’ve been working on an eBook for a few months now in between my other projects… The problem is that it’s gotten big… I’ve written over 100 pages and counting!

So a good friend of mine online, Barrington Paige, reminded me of a great thing to do if you are writting a decent sized e-Book…

He reminded me of something Allen Says has taught in the past… Take the chapters as you write them and make them into little reports to sell. So while you are working on the eBook, you can make a little money!

That’s exactly what I did! I picked a juicy chapter packed with info, added to it, added graphics and more info AND packaged it as a Special Report!

And it makes total sense! You have all this great info sitting, doing nothing, on your desktop when it could be helping someone!

Well… I did hestitate. It was really hard to hit that submit button to reveal it to a group of people that I highly respect…

And I have to really look at this as a Learning experience. I know I’ve already learned a few lessons in the process. Actually it’s amazing what you learn if you JUST DO IT!

I’m still nervous. I launched it about 9 hours ago… got a few sales… so I must have done something right:)

It is packed with good info and if someone applies the principles I lay out inside, they should make back many times the investment by the money they will save…

It’s hard. You are really putting yourself out there doing something like this… espeically when you reveal it to a group of people that know a lot about info products… But I’ve learned one thing in life.

You learn by doing not doing nothing!

Check it out by the way. Just click the link above… It may help you as well!

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